Carmel High School Home of the Greyhounds

Football - Freshmen


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2024 - 2025 SEASON SCORES

Record: 1 - 1 - 0

Event Date Scores

Westfield (A)

Sat, Aug. 31 2024

10:00 AM EDT

Freshman vs Westfield
7 - 31 (Loss)

Homestead (A)

Sat, Aug. 24 2024

10:30 AM EDT

Freshman vs Homestead
20 - 6 (Win)


No. Name Grade Position Height Weight
1 Tripp Baugh 10th QB

5' 9"

148 lbs
2 Luke McDonald 10th QB

5' 10"

136 lbs
3 Josiah Gilmore 10th RB

5' 8"

158 lbs
4 Carter Hoesli 10th CB

5' 8"

138 lbs
5 Luke Brown 10th WR

5' 6"

125 lbs
6 Porter Fowler 10th WR

5' 1"

109 lbs
7 Dylan Rowlett 10th WR

5' 7"

124 lbs
8 Jack Yost 10th WR

6' 0"

163 lbs
9 Brayden Stevning 10th K,P

5' 9"

124 lbs
10 Hasan Khan 10th RB

5' 6"

131 lbs
11 Adi Zariwala 10th WR

5' 8"

106 lbs
12 Jackson Harris 10th S

5' 11"

164 lbs
13 Amare Williams 10th WR

5' 7"

125 lbs
14 Faiz Ansari 10th WR

5' 8"

148 lbs
15 Ben Deising 10th TE,QB

6' 0"

159 lbs
16 Joshua Velarde-Gallardo 10th WR

5' 3"

132 lbs
17 David Connery 10th WR, P/K

5' 7"

144 lbs
19 Vaughn Dragash 10th WR

5' 6"

144 lbs
20 Jackson Shephard 10th S

5' 11"

132 lbs
21 Gavin Goins 10th S

5' 10"

136 lbs
22 Blake Leeper 10th CB

5' 10"

148 lbs
23 Robert Muller 10th K

5' 6"

113 lbs
24 Evan Achterberg 10th RB

5' 6"

132 lbs
25 William Westbrook 10th RB

5' 7"

130 lbs
26 Broderick Jack 10th RB

5' 9"

157 lbs
27 Vaibhav Sonaji 10th S

5' 7"

147 lbs
28 Tyger Sutton 10th S

5' 11"

123 lbs
29 Gabriel Herron 10th S

5' 7"

131 lbs
31 Jeremy Crawford 10th CB

5' 3"

131 lbs
32 Anthony Wright 10th CB

5' 6"

123 lbs
33 Ashton Alfayyad 10th S

5' 5"

137 lbs
34 Jason Rickel 10th S

5' 9"

149 lbs
35 Niko Kazmierczak 10th S

5' 10"

135 lbs
36 Drew Doyle 10th CB

5' 8"

134 lbs
37 Cameron Baker 10th CB

5' 3"

126 lbs
39 Cooper Helm 10th S

5' 8"

135 lbs
40 Emanuel Griffin III 10th RB

5' 9"

227 lbs
41 Denim Madison 10th OLB

5' 10"

162 lbs
42 Mitchell Mathiebe 10th OLB

5' 10"

149 lbs
43 Eli Hulzebos 10th OLB

5' 9"

155 lbs
44 Chase Smitley 10th ILB

5' 11"

170 lbs
45 Maddox Knudson 10th ILB

5' 6"

179 lbs
46 Damian Gaslawski 10th CB

5' 6"

117 lbs
47 Brigsby Fenter 10th ILB

6' 1"

143 lbs
48 Patrick Hagerty 10th ILB

5' 10"

186 lbs
49 Reese Perdun 10th ILB

5' 10"

123 lbs
50 Jack Bobich 10th ILB

5' 8"

181 lbs
51 Caleb Bhavnani 10th WR

5' 5"

138 lbs
55 Jordan Jay 10th ILB

5' 9"

157 lbs
56 Sean Garvey 10th ILB

5' 10"

171 lbs
57 Richard Rodgers 10th DL

5' 9"

158 lbs
58 Aiden Dickerson 10th OLB

6' 1"

180 lbs
61 Vedh Barre 10th OL

5' 5"

177 lbs
62 Mark Neels 10th OL

6' 0"

187 lbs
63 Noah Hoffman 10th OL

5' 7"

187 lbs
66 Jayden Kirschner 10th OL

6' 1"

275 lbs
68 Landon Schaeffer 10th OL

6' 1"

202 lbs
70 Gavin Adkins 10th OL

5' 11"

168 lbs
71 Rowen Richards 10th OL

5' 7"

162 lbs
72 Cuyler Weides 10th OL

5' 10"

169 lbs
73 Maximilian Unruh 10th OL

6' 0"

237 lbs
74 Sawyer Ford 10th OL

5' 6"

195 lbs
75 Christian Southard 10th OL

6' 3"

222 lbs
76 Robert Cross 10th OL

6' 0"

254 lbs
77 John Schnierle 10th OL,TE

6' 3"

195 lbs
78 Nathan Mills 10th OL

5' 10"

237 lbs
79 Lochlan Trent 10th OL

6' 1"

290 lbs
80 Nicholas Petras 10th WR

5' 8"

121 lbs
81 Ian White 10th WR

5' 9"

126 lbs
82 Eli Cornette 10th LB

5' 7"

140 lbs
83 Carlos Aleman 10th WR

5' 8"

114 lbs
84 Ryan Wilson 10th TE

6' 1"

156 lbs
85 Reiss Martin 10th WR

5' 6"

136 lbs
86 Kodai Fujita 10th WR

5' 5"

146 lbs
88 Michael Medina 10th DL

5' 10"

177 lbs
89 Sylas Raber 10th TE

5' 7"

117 lbs
91 Rene Moncivaez 10th DL

5' 4"

151 lbs
92 Jaden Timmons 10th DL

5' 11"

204 lbs
93 Tamalelagi Peko 10th DL

5' 5"

141 lbs
94 Adam Wills 10th DL

6' 1"

184 lbs
95 Chase Koski 10th DL

5' 11"

178 lbs
96 Jason Marsh 10th DL

5' 7"

148 lbs
97 Drew Jones 10th DL

6' 0"

216 lbs
98 Jacob Lord 10th DL

5' 5"

168 lbs
99 Eli Dalton 10th DL

5' 8"

212 lbs
154 John Feiock 10th OL,K

5' 6"

154 lbs
No. Name Grade Position Height Weight
1 Tripp Baugh 9th QB

5' 9"

148 lbs
2 Luke McDonald 9th QB

5' 10"

136 lbs
3 Josiah Gilmore 9th RB

5' 8"

158 lbs
4 Carter Hoesli 9th CB

5' 8"

138 lbs
5 Luke Brown 9th WR

5' 6"

125 lbs
6 Porter Fowler 9th WR

5' 1"

109 lbs
7 Dylan Rowlett 9th WR

5' 7"

124 lbs
8 Jack Yost 9th WR

6' 0"

163 lbs
9 Brayden Stevning 9th K,P

5' 9"

124 lbs
10 Hasan Khan 9th RB

5' 6"

131 lbs
11 Adi Zariwala 9th WR

5' 8"

106 lbs
12 Jackson Harris 9th S

5' 11"

164 lbs
13 Amare Williams 9th WR

5' 7"

125 lbs
14 Faiz Ansari 9th WR

5' 8"

148 lbs
15 Ben Deising 9th TE,QB

6' 0"

159 lbs
16 Joshua Velarde-Gallardo 9th WR

5' 3"

132 lbs
17 David Connery 9th WR, P/K

5' 7"

144 lbs
19 Vaughn Dragash 9th WR

5' 6"

144 lbs
20 Jackson Shephard 9th S

5' 11"

132 lbs
21 Gavin Goins 9th S

5' 10"

136 lbs
22 Blake Leeper 9th CB

5' 10"

148 lbs
23 Robert Muller 9th K

5' 6"

113 lbs
24 Evan Achterberg 9th RB

5' 6"

132 lbs
25 William Westbrook 9th RB

5' 7"

130 lbs
26 Broderick Jack 9th RB

5' 9"

157 lbs
27 Vaibhav Sonaji 9th S

5' 7"

147 lbs
28 Tyger Sutton 9th S

5' 11"

123 lbs
29 Gabriel Herron 9th S

5' 7"

131 lbs
31 Jeremy Crawford 9th CB

5' 3"

131 lbs
32 Anthony Wright 9th CB

5' 6"

123 lbs
33 Ashton Alfayyad 9th S

5' 5"

137 lbs
34 Jason Rickel 9th S

5' 9"

149 lbs
35 Niko Kazmierczak 9th S

5' 10"

135 lbs
36 Drew Doyle 9th CB

5' 8"

134 lbs
37 Cameron Baker 9th CB

5' 3"

126 lbs
39 Cooper Helm 9th S

5' 8"

135 lbs
40 Emanuel Griffin III 9th RB

5' 9"

227 lbs
41 Denim Madison 9th OLB

5' 10"

162 lbs
42 Mitchell Mathiebe 9th OLB

5' 10"

149 lbs
43 Eli Hulzebos 9th OLB

5' 9"

155 lbs
44 Chase Smitley 9th ILB

5' 11"

170 lbs
45 Maddox Knudson 9th ILB

5' 6"

179 lbs
46 Damian Gaslawski 9th CB

5' 6"

117 lbs
47 Brigsby Fenter 9th ILB

6' 1"

143 lbs
48 Patrick Hagerty 9th ILB

5' 10"

186 lbs
49 Reese Perdun 9th ILB

5' 10"

123 lbs
50 Jack Bobich 9th ILB

5' 8"

181 lbs
51 Caleb Bhavnani 9th WR

5' 5"

138 lbs
55 Jordan Jay 9th ILB

5' 9"

157 lbs
56 Sean Garvey 9th ILB

5' 10"

171 lbs
57 Richard Rodgers 9th DL

5' 9"

158 lbs
58 Aiden Dickerson 9th OLB

6' 1"

180 lbs
61 Vedh Barre 9th OL

5' 5"

177 lbs
62 Mark Neels 9th OL

6' 0"

187 lbs
63 Noah Hoffman 9th OL

5' 7"

187 lbs
66 Jayden Kirschner 9th OL

6' 1"

275 lbs
68 Landon Schaeffer 9th OL

6' 1"

202 lbs
70 Gavin Adkins 9th OL

5' 11"

168 lbs
71 Rowen Richards 9th OL

5' 7"

162 lbs
72 Cuyler Weides 9th OL

5' 10"

169 lbs
73 Maximilian Unruh 9th OL

6' 0"

237 lbs
74 Sawyer Ford 9th OL

5' 6"

195 lbs
75 Christian Southard 9th OL

6' 3"

222 lbs
76 Robert Cross 9th OL

6' 0"

254 lbs
77 John Schnierle 9th OL,TE

6' 3"

195 lbs
78 Nathan Mills 9th OL

5' 10"

237 lbs
79 Lochlan Trent 9th OL

6' 1"

290 lbs
80 Nicholas Petras 9th WR

5' 8"

121 lbs
81 Ian White 9th WR

5' 9"

126 lbs
82 Eli Cornette 9th LB

5' 7"

140 lbs
83 Carlos Aleman 9th WR

5' 8"

114 lbs
84 Ryan Wilson 9th TE

6' 1"

156 lbs
85 Reiss Martin 9th WR

5' 6"

136 lbs
86 Kodai Fujita 9th WR

5' 5"

146 lbs
88 Michael Medina 9th DL

5' 10"

177 lbs
89 Sylas Raber 9th TE

5' 7"

117 lbs
91 Rene Moncivaez 9th DL

5' 4"

151 lbs
92 Jaden Timmons 9th DL

5' 11"

204 lbs
93 Tamalelagi Peko 9th DL

5' 5"

141 lbs
94 Adam Wills 9th DL

6' 1"

184 lbs
95 Chase Koski 9th DL

5' 11"

178 lbs
96 Jason Marsh 9th DL

5' 7"

148 lbs
97 Drew Jones 9th DL

6' 0"

216 lbs
98 Jacob Lord 9th DL

5' 5"

168 lbs
99 Eli Dalton 9th DL

5' 8"

212 lbs
154 John Feiock 9th OL,K

5' 6"

154 lbs


  • Head Coach

    Jason Seaman

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