Baseball - Varsity
- When:
- Wed, May. 22 2024 5:30 PM EDT
- Type:
- Tournament
- Location:
- Noblesville
- Facility:
- Donald J. Dunker Field
- Address:
3025 Westfield RdNoblesville, IN 46062
- Directions:
- Search on Google Maps
- Opponent:
- Noblesville
- Notes:
- Information: Ticket Information: All tickets will be sold digitally through EventLink, Fans can purchase ahead of time online or at the door via credit/debit. THERE WILL BE NO CASH SALES! Single session tickets are $7.00. All Session tickets are available for $15. Pre-school children are free
- Results:
Varsity vs Noblesville 4 - 2 (Win)